Olivia's wearing: Forever 21 white peasant blouse & tank top, Vintage belt, Urban Outfitter jeans, Vintage handbag (gift from Mom), Aldo flats & necklace

Boyu's wearing: Forever 21 silk blouse & necklace, Talula skirt, Tommy Hilfiger tights, Chinese Laundry cross-body bag, Vintage shoes, Banana Republic Heritage ring

When life gives you seeds, grow a beautiful garden. And when it flashes you an opportunity for love, take it. Whether its with a brand new puppy, friend, distant family member, or even with someone special, let your heart guide you for once. Life is precious, so let yourself be happy and breathe with satisfaction that you feel loved by the people around you. And when it comes to all the single people out there, just know that somewhere, there is someone waiting for you. Believe in fate and hope, because without it, the world can seem like nothing but a cold place.
B L I V B O O K: darling&diva ♥
"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be."