We are two Vancouver girls who share the same vision of life and adore the components of it. Yes, we are best friends. Although '[we] are two different people, REALLY [we] are like one person.' Our minds click instantly and we both balance one and another. We desire the same dream and have a passion for fashion as well as being in front of the camera. Because of the inspirations from blogger and motivations from peers - we were determined to make a 'blivbook'@blogspot and strive to work hard to achieve a blog that we both enjoyed creating and building.
B L I V B O O K : darling&diva ♥
"Shoot for the moon and even if you'll miss it, you'll land among the stars"
B L I V B O O K : darling&diva ♥
"Shoot for the moon and even if you'll miss it, you'll land among the stars"